#QuestionsofLife: What is Death?

What is Death? We aren't dead yet, but do events around us give us a hint? Is it dark and fearful? Join us as we discuss this topic in a poignant way.

#QuestionsofLife: What is Death?
Man, Fog, Silhouette, Person, Water, Sea, Ocean

Everyone has to die.  But what is death?  None of us have died - yet.  So how do we look at death without having to go through it?  The exploration will be poignant, personal, and sensitive. Please do join National Award-winning Bollywood Director, Writer, Thinker, and Influencer Vivek Agnihotri and I explore this question this Sunday on #VRATV for this very special one!

Sunday, 10 AM India Time and Saturday 11.30 PM Central Time in the US, Sunday 3.30 PM Sydney Australia, and Sunday 4.30 AM London Time we will be on VRA TV exploring #QuestionsofLife.

Click here to go to the #IAmBuddha Channel.

I Am Buddha Channel

Mark your calendars and open up that slot for some time with us in a refreshing discussion on this topic.

It is will be a very invigorating discussion where we will share our experiences and thoughts to nudge us all to further exploration. Please do watch us both on the #IamBuddha YouTube channel.


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