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Meanwhile, here are some of the articles we have written over the years that you may find interesting and useful.  If you like any, please do share with your friends and family.


Yoga, Science and Spirituality

India’s Contribution to Science

India’s contribution to the world of science was systematically destroyed by the Islamic rule and deliberately undermined by the British. Here is detailed understanding of what was the Indian Science?


Gujarat, Modi and Riots

The work of the various activists has been explored in detail in the following articles.

Factual History of India

Art and Secularism in India

  • MF Hussain’s Crooked Art: Was Hussain’s paintings really art?
  • My Name is Khan: A Review: The movie was a shameless attempt at looking “whiter” by painting everyone else black. In an attempt to try and remove one stereotype, SRK and Karan Johar have reinforced every stereotype in the Jehadi book.

Kashmir: Rhetoric Vs Facts

Kashmir is central to India’s geo-political interests.  Why?  And why are we where we are?  Here is a complete compendium on that!

PAKISTAN: The Terror Hub of the World!

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