Attempt to weaken forces, Stamped caste on martyr's coffins | India Upfront With Rahul Shivshankar

Attempt to weaken forces, Stamped caste on martyr's coffins | India Upfront With Rahul Shivshankar

A soldier tweeted his outrage for an attempt to weaken by dividing our forces along caste lines. our braves serve & sacrifice as Indians why dishonour them by reducing them to a caste statistic in their death?
Is caravan today guilty of playing into the hands of Pakistan and India’s enemies who gain from a divided India?
Is the census taken by caravan an attempt to drive a communal & casteist wedge to divide our military?
Is it a coincidence that the caravan’s article echoes the agenda of those opposed to the Hindutva politics of the RSS-BJP?
Has the caravan in its zeal to criticize Hindutva nationalism caused a non-existent caste fracture in the forces?
Watch to know more!

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