'Peace In Afghanistan Is Welcome But Uncertain Given Pakistan … India Has Definite Leverages'

'Peace In Afghanistan Is Welcome But Uncertain Given Pakistan … India Has Definite Leverages'

The chances of peace have never seemed better but with lots of ifs and buts. That’s  the word from Amar Sinha, India’s former ambassador to Afghanistan who was also unofficial representative to the Moscow talks last November which the Taliban attended.  In a chat with SNI, Sinha ticked off his many doubts: whether Pakistan would play with a straight bat or would they use the Islamic State as insurance if the Taliban asserted itself. Would the Haqqani terrorist group be whitewashed in this peace process?  The exclusion of Russia, China and Iran from the talks could put their backs up. He also believes that the last 18 years have enabled India to establish its bona fides as a genuine player in Afghanistan with no axe to grind.  That (and Bollywood) remain India’s greatest strengths as the Afghan great game plays out.
#India #Afghanistan #Pakistan #sniwire #sni #diplomacy #politics


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