Desh Kapoor

Desh Kapoor

Seeker. Searching. Exploring. Indiscriminately chronicling his times.

7164 articles (Page 2)
On Vacation

On Vacation

“The price of life is eternal vigilance.” ― Graham Greene, The Heart of The Matter This weekend we are on vacation.

The Politics of Rape.

The Politics of Rape.

Sandeshkhali was the continuation of the strategy of Genocidal rape unleashed on the Bengali women from years. The powerful have used women, Hindu women, as a weapon of a diabolical war. It is time for Kaali to rise up.

The Rise of the Ancients

The Rise of the Ancients

World is changing. So is global consciousness. As people in areas ruled by Abrahamic belief systems reject their faiths and seek meaning to life afresh, the ancient gods are rising again.

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