Why Triple Talaq Bill was absolutely necessary 

Why Triple Talaq Bill was absolutely necessary 

The triple talaq bill has been passed in the Indian Parliament.  It was missing the Rajya Sabha vote which it got today.

In a major political win for the Narendra Modi government, the triple talaq bill today cleared Rajya Sabha hurdle. Put to vote after a lengthy debate, the triple talaq bill was passed in the Rajya Sabha with 99 to 84 votes.The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill will now go to President Ram Nath Kovind for his assent. Once the triple talaq bill gets assent of the President and notified by the government, it will replace the triple talaq ordinance of promulgated last in February. (Source: India Today)

See here the proceedings in the Rajya Sabha.

The main contentions against this bill from the “Secular brigade” and the Islamic lobby have been:

  1. Why make triple talaq a criminal offense?
  2. Why should Muslim men be jailed for Triple talaq, when other men are not jailed for divorce?

If one is without the context, it looks fine.  But when you add in the context that Triple Talak is NOT divorce, then you can see the difference.  When divorce is given by a Muslim man per all the provisions of alimony etc, then it is processed as any other divorced.  But the practice is Triple Talak, although within the Muslim society, is also not sanctioned by Islamic experts.  What Triple Talak does is to create an arbitrary right to the Muslim man to abandon his wife as and when he deems fit without any recourse to her.

In fact, in most cases, these women are thrown out.

Worse, they are forced to do halala with someone – either a Maulvi or even a relative – before her husband takes her back in as a wife.  See this video on how horrific things can get.  This woman was made to sleep with her father in law once and then the next time with her brother in law as she was given Triple Talak twice!

There is a whole business that goes on where the Maulanas take the money and sleep with wives given triple talaq.  It is not some ritual anymore.  It is institutionalized gang rape!  This India Today investigation laid bare the whole practice!

As awful as that may sound, a number of religious scholars are offering themselves up for one-night stands with divorced Muslim women trying to save their marriages under a disputable Islamic law, an India Today investigation has found.
They charge anywhere between Rs 20,000 and Rs 1.5 lakh to participate in nikah halala, a controversial practice that requires a woman to marry someone else, sleep with him and get a divorce again in order to be able to remarry her first husband under personal laws, the probe discovered. (source)

So if it is just a Civil offense, it will only have a persuasive impact and no one will obey it anyway (please listen to Mr. Arif Mohd Khan on this as he provides interesting statistics and logic in the video below).  But a criminal offense will stop this practice of institutionalized gang rape.

Now, it is important that we listen to a sane voice amongst Muslims to understand the complete ramifications of this change that will be brought about by this law.  So, let us listen to this conversation with Arif Mohammad Khan.

You see how these so-called Seculars have been trying to twist the debate?

But history was made today as the first real bill that does NOT cater to appeasement of the Maulvis but for the betterment of Islamic society was passed in India.

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