Desh Kapoor

Desh Kapoor

Seeker. Searching. Exploring. Indiscriminately chronicling his times.

7153 articles (Page 5)
India's Options and Modi's US Visit #388

India's Options and Modi's US Visit #388

Indian PM Modi is visiting US amidst an unprecedented welcome. What is he staring at? American exceptionalism has at some point given way to American expansionism. Even against its own allies in NATO. With such a record, what can US offer to any of its potential partners? Little.

Understanding Ram and Dharma #383

Understanding Ram and Dharma #383

Ram is the most important being in the spiritual realm in India and beyond. His story, Ramayana has been the most popular way to approach him. But you cannot know Ramayana's Ram without understanding Yoga Vashistha's Ram. We take that journey.

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