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Yes, beliefs need not have a basis. They can just be what one feels comfortable with. It could very well be a fairy tale or some fictional story that someone came up with. There is no hard with someone believing in a fairy tale and believing that Cinderella actually exists and has since been married off to a Prince who lives somewhere in Europe.
However, when it comes to the question of this existence and its very origin – we are really asking the question “Whom am I?” It is the – or should be the – most fundamental question that one can ever ask. At the very least, this is one question that cannot be and shouldn’t be based on just a fairy tale or a fictional story. It is the most fundamental quest that any human can have. Whatever anyone does.. WHATEVER one actually does is only and only towards ONE singular purpose – to make one’s own self happy. So think of it, I don’t even know who or what I am and I am doing all that I do for “MYSELF”? It is like I pick up a piece of turd and keep beautifying it every day to make it nice and fragrant, without even knowing that it is well.. a turd?!
You don’t wear fictional shoes or fictional clothes or eat fictional food. Do you? How can one ever use fictional stories to understand what one is? Shouldn’t at least that quest look for the Truth based NOT on what someone else made up for me, but what I have personally experienced? Shouldn’t that experience be real? Something that is unequivocally undeniable BY me FOR me? Maybe no one who has experienced can understand what I say, what I experienced – maybe because they did not have my experience – but at least I cannot deny my experience. Can experiences be, therefore, based on a fairy tale? It wouldn’t be smart to be talking to Goldilocks while I am making food for your kids would I? If I can talk to Goldilocks, wonder what I am putting in the food in the first place? If you wouldn’t trust myself if I am shaping my experience based on fairy tale to even make a simple meal for your kids, how can one be trusted to run Governments, run families and fly planes when one is basing his/her experiences on fairy tales?
So, let us establish something here. We will look at everything concerned with the basic question of this existence based at the very least on plain logic. There will be somethings that we do not understand – so we will leave them as is – that we do not understand. Fair? Now, let us go into this question of Islam and God, because just this belief – of who or what that god is and what he/she/it says, millions have been killed. And are being killed even now!
God in Islam has been defined as:
“Say: He is Allah, The One and Only. “Allah, the Eternal, Absolute. “He begets not, nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him.” [Al-Qur’an 112:1-4]
Let us look at some other verses which speak of him:
“If there were, in the heavens And the earth, other gods Besides Allah, there would Have been confusion in both! But glory to Allah, The Lord of the Throne: (High is He) above What they attribute to Him!” [Al-Qur’an 21:22]
Imagining Allah and the Violence Around it
The most basic reason why Allah is not expressed in any way by Muslims is because it has been said in Quran that “there is non like unto Him”. Or that he is unique and beyond imagination. Now, that is not taken as a statement of someone’s experience, or a statement that you yourself may or may not want to explore. But a normative and unbending statement that cannot be refuted. Why? Because someone said it. Well, maybe he got it wrong. Maybe he couldn’t get it right. There is no proof to the infallibility of the statement, except that … well “Allah said it to his messenger, who is btw is the only one who got it right!” Well, the absurdity of the claim and its lack of factual rigor notwithstanding (that the one on trial is also his own judge and infallible one at that!) – let us look into these very claims to see if they even stand the basic scrutiny of logic?
Eternal and Absolute cannot have a Second, ANY second! To take this discussion forward, let us get some of the definitions of Absolute, lest we throw it around so loosely. Remember, we are still talking about THE most fundamental question of our OWN existence!
Absolute means:
viewed or existing independently and not in relation to other things; not relative or comparative. Or not qualified or diminished in any way; total Or a value or principle that is regarded as universally valid or that may be viewed without relation to other things.
The very basic qualities of something absolute should be: Independent Existence; Unqualified (nothing can define or explain it); Existence without relation to anything else.
Now, let us look at the Quranic definition of god – a god who spoke to another being who relayed that messaged to the rest of his people.
If you were to look at something REALLY – not as in the fairy tale reality, but factual actual reality – as absolute would it ever have any “other” to interact with? Forget its equal or not, any “other”? Take a White piece of paper and draw a line. One part of it is lets say – God – and the other is the creation. Make the creation part much smaller than the “God” part. Something like this the image below.
God vs not-God
The not-God is small, yet it IS there. Now look at the “God” part. It is much larger – right? Yet, it HAS a form!! Here is what we need to understand in this situation and some facts around it:
Existence as we know it today is a very very large Universe. Probably multi-verses! And as yet, no figure has been found – leave alone looking like human – who is lurking anywhere within or outside this set of multi-verses. To understand the scale, please remember that in the Multi-verses, our Universe is but one out of many. Of that Universe, our galaxy is not even a speck. In that Galaxy, our solar system is not even a small speck. In that Solar system, Earth is one of the smaller planets. On THAT planet, we are but ONE species. So, now imagine a God, who is larger than ALL the Multi-verses AND can speak to an human being AND has several attributed of humans! I am not sure about you, but in front of this, Cinderella’s story looks heck of a lot more real!
Look at the figure of God vs not-God. If you are in this Universe and have to “see” or “meet” God. What do you have to do? To go beyond “not-God”. Right? So, your God starts where your not-God ends! This God, is therefore a dependent existence. We KNOW what the not-God is. This Universe (heck multi-verses). To get to the “God” part, we will have to cross the not-God, only then can God ever appear. Right? So isn’t God a dependent variable? Where is the independent nature of it?
It is obviously posited IN RELATION to not-God. If not-God didn’t end, sorry to say, but God will not be able to get started with itself! So you see the God’s sad state of existence?! Poor thing is defined by the creation, and NOT the other way round!
Finally, since there is surely a not-God, the God is surely not unique! The not-God may not be like him in nature or qualities, but at least it IS there. That doesn’t make God any bit more unique than me or you. Does it?
Internal Incoherence?
It is very easily obvious that Quranic understanding of “God” or Creator is at the very least incoherent and negating itself out from one verse to another. Now, if these verses were indeed said by someone who called himself “God”, he didn’t know about man’s position in the whole Universe and the meaning of absolute and certainly did NOT have a white sheet of paper to understand how utterly wrong his statements were!!
I am not sure about you, but that doesn’t say very well on the God who has now to be defended so violently by people who just want to believe.
Remember, how this existence came into being is ALSO the question about WHO YOU ARE?! And like we discussed, if there is one quest that you cannot base on fictional stuff, it is this. And, we have in this humanity, gone about killing millions upon millions to simply ASSERT this statement DESPITE the obvious untruth in it. And those who believe it, continue to believe it despite knowing that their belief contributes to the courage in the hands who lift the sword to kill. Because, these who call themselves “Peaceful believers – or moderates” keep saying – “We condemn violence”.. . “Those who kill aren’t the right believers”… “This is not my belief”…… but keep believing 100% of the same fairy tale! And assert the correctness of that right to believe in the fairy tale as a human right!
Worse, they not just believe in that fairy tale, that many are killing to install as the truth despite its obvious fiction – these moderates cheer conversions to their numbers of believers. What that means is – MORE COURAGE to the hands that kill! Because they know that even if they were to be brought to justice, their belief in fairy tale will be kept intact in the minds of many millions of moderates who will not kill. But just ensure that the combination to create the next generation of killers is kept intact!!
Please remember, a person simply doesn’t kill someone else in the name god, s/he kills another fueled and propelled by the belief. The fairy tale that is as fictional as Goldilocks is but HAS to be forced upon mankind as the truth because ….. well the numbers need to feel their rush of ego at being able to put a fairy tale on the pedestal of truth despite the obvious! They know that even those who wouldn’t kill, will keep pedestal of fiction-as-truth high enough for others to kill for.
Truth needs no assertion. No telling. And, no messengers. It needs no one to kill for. And no one to die for it. IT just is. Only fiction needs all that to pretend as Truth!
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